This wine is the product of a perfect combination of a centuries-old tradition of winemaking, of particularly suitable conditions for winegrowing offered by perfectly positioned vineyards, of the rational techniques adopted in transforming the grapes into wine, and of the great attention paid to choice local grape varieties all of which are vinified “off the skins”.

This is how the first Falanghina, the most traditional of Sant’Agata dei Goti D.O.C. wines, is produced. It has long been the darling of refined consumers thanks to its delicate taste, distinct bouquet, and unique personality. Greco, among the whites, and Aglianico and Piedirosso, among the reds, are also very elegant wines.

The uniqueness of these products is further guaranteed by a strict delimitation of the area where they can be produced, which includes a few acres of vineyards situated on the hills of Sant’Agata dei Goti - Saticula of the ancients – to the east of Naples and not far from ancient Pompeii and Caserta.

In the heart of this beautifully positioned fortified medieval village, which towers over two affluents of the River Isclero, and among its treasures of art and monuments, there can be found ancient cellars dug into the tufaceous rocks and equipped with modern devices.

These dark, silent cellars provide steady temperatures ideal for the extraction of the best must, the ageing of the wines in perfect conditions, and the preservation of the intense varietal bouquet.