Eloro is the name of an extraordinary archeological site of Greek origin in Sicily, where there are remains of a Greek theater, a temple of the goddess Demetra, a portico, some streets and city walls and a Hellenistic necropolis.

We are in the southernmost tip of Sicily, below the northernmost latitudes of Africa. This is a land of great beauty and spell: the sea is gorgeous; the weather, dry and torrid. There are plenty of pre-Roman ruins and Baroque masterpieces of unparalleled magnificence.

For decades, the wines of Eloro were known mostly for their high alcoholic content. This made them desirable only to continental vintners who used it to give body to their thin wines.

The loss of demand, due to the improvement of continental wines, shook the winemakers of this area into realizing that they had to bring out the other qualities of their wines if they were to survive.

This is how the local production of wines started its recovery and eventually led to the establishment of a D.O.C. appellation based solely on red wines made with the local grape varieties of Frappato, Pignatello and Nero d’Avola.