Founded in the 12th century by the Genoese House of the Doria and conquered by the Spaniards in 1353, Alghero was one of the seven royal cities in Sardinia. In 1720, the Savoias of Piedmont took control of the city. Nevertheless, Alghero never lost its Catalan traditions and language (street names here are still in Catalan).

Alghero is an extraordinarily beautiful city, surrounded by medieval city walls and watchtowers, and full of Catalan Gothic churches. A Saracen tower dominates the port and all around it there are beautiful beaches and grottos: the Green Grotto, the Grotto of the Laces, and the Grotto of Neptune.

Inland, there are vineyards everywhere, uninterruptedly. These vineyards produce some of the island’s most important wines: Vermentino di Sardegna and Cannonau di Sardegna.

In 1995, the Alghero D.O.C. appellation was also added. In a very short span of time, Alghero has become the island’s most interesting wine. It alone accounts for 40% of the island’s D.O.C. wine production and has somehow eclipsed the Vermentino di Sardegna and Vermentino di Gallura.

Alghero D.O.C. is produced in several single-grape varieties, as well as a white, a red and a rosé. Torbato and Vermentino Frizzante (sparkling) are quantitatively the most significant varieties of Alghero. But there is also a red, Cagnulari, which deserves attention. Made with an ancient local grape variety called Cagnulari, this wine has a bright ruby red color and a very special bouquet.